Sports Complex - Future

Design Criteria:
  • Showcase a new take on MMA fighting.
  • Deliver an experience that most audiences have not seen before.
  • Bring the characters and fights of One Piece to life.

 In the story of One Piece the Davy Back Fight is a competition pitting two pirate crews against each others. In our world MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is the newest and fastest growing sanctioned fighting in the world. The goal of the Sports Complex was to combine these two events.


The venue will be placed 200+ years in the future.

In our time MMA is slowing killing off boxing as audiences are looking for the next big fight. Part of MMA's appeal is that, unlike boxing, the sport isn't  restricted to just one fighting type. Thus audiences expect to see a variety of fighting styles. Thus with the edition of more and more fighting style the amount of carnage that audiences expect to see also grows.

Two hundred years in the future the One Piece Davy Back Fight MMA Arena will give audiences a whole new type of Martial combat. The idea will be to have fighters use an advance sets of sensors, pain receptors and Mechs to simulate combat of the many characters in One Piece. The same rules of MMA apply: Two fighters enter the ring, they fight with whatever style they choose (in this case the powers from characters in One Piece), the fight goes for 3-5 rounds until someone is KOd TKOd or Taps Out.

How this all works
A "Cockpit" where fighters will be stationed.

First off the fighters of this new MMA arena wont be physically fighting. In order to maximize carnage and minimize human fatalities the fighters will be wearing nano technology infused fighting suits. These suits along with the VR programs will allow for accurate pain, stress, hot/cold, and other senses via complex nano machines that will monitor and collect data.

After the fighters put on their suits they will enter VR "cockpits" that, along with the nano machines in the suits, will allow the fighters to choose their characters and fight using proxy avatars or giant mechanized robots. The VR programs will mimic the fighters.
Nano suit on fighter (from G-Gundam)
If a fighter throws a punch the avatar/mech will respond with the same punch. If a fighter get another fighter in a headlock then the avatars/mechs will respond in the same way.

This also works for pain. If an avatar/mech is hit the fighter will receive an equal proportion of pain and damage. This is done to protect the fighters and to preserve the fighting spirit  of the sport.

These mechs and avatars will look and resemble the characters from One Piece. Using the modern military technology of 200+ years in the future will allow for the re-creation of many of the powers seen in One Piece. Because MMA allows for any "sanctioned" fighting styles then these new enhancements can be seen as new fighting styles.
Here are some few examples:


 The Stadium... IN SPACE

The last thing about this Sports complex will be the design of the stadium itself.

Most stadiums today are build in a large bowl shape. This style is limited in its viewing of the activities that are going on in the stadium. The views of the audiences are restricted in how close they can get to the action as well as the angle from which to view the event.

Brighthouse stadium.
By placing the stadium in space we will be able to provide a different and more dynamic viewing of the fights. The design of the stadium will be that of an elongated tube that will allow spectators to view the action from literally any angle.

Outside of the Stadium
The tubes will be hollowed on the inside to allow for seating all around. Because the fights will take place on much bigger arenas than the 15ft octagon cages that most MMA fights are done in the insides of the arena will allow for spectators to see all of the actions as the mechs/avatars beat each other up and destroy buildings.

A shielding system will be in place to protect the viewers.
Example of inside a cylindrical space colonies